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Beachlands WWTP discharge consent renewal

The existing discharge consent for the Beachlands Wastewater Treatment Plant is due for renewal on 31 December 2025.







The latest

After careful consideration and evaluation of a range of discharge options, we have identified option 2a - a diffuse discharge to a tributary of Te Puru Stream as the preferred technical option for the future discharge from the Beachlands Wastewater Treatment Plant site.

While the diffuse discharge option (option 2a) is our preferred technical option, we remain committed to consulting with Mana Whenua, Ngāi Tai ki Tamaki, to further refine and develop the preferred option for the discharge of wastewater from the Beachlands Wastewater Treatment Plant.

We will now undertake the necessary in-depth technical assessments and reporting required as part of our resource consent application.

We appreciate the ongoing collaboration and input from all stakeholders as we continue to prioritise public health of the Beachlands and Maraetai community, environmental outcomes, cultural wellbeing, and the requirements of the community in our decision-making process.

Project overview

Upgrades to our existing WWTP are required due to the projected future growth in Beachlands and Maraetai communities and, the wastewater treatment plant is coming to the end of its design life. The wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) consent is due for renewal, 31 December 2025.

In order to continue delivering services for this community and to meet the future demands, the wastewater treatment plant needs to be upgraded. This includes the consideration of alternative potential wastewater discharge locations.

Options consideration

As part of the options assessments, Watercare has engaged independent specialists who will provide a range of inputs to the potential options for wastewater treatment quality and discharge locations. The options will follow a clear assessment methodology and are assessed against a variety of criteria and tested against the project objectives at key stages.

The consenting process:

Long-list workshop

By considering the requirements of Beachlands and Maraetai community, as well as examining best practice for wastewater treatment technologies both in New Zealand and worldwide, the project team have identified high-level potential solutions.

Through the evaluation criteria we assessed 20 potential options. These were evaluated by the project team, leading to the identification of five short-listed options for further scrutiny.

Members of the community joined us on 26 October at Te Puru Community Centre to provide feedback on the long-list options identified, or provided feedback online via a survey. The feedback received from both community and mana whenua has been used to help confirm the long list options.

Short-list workshop

The five identified options below include a brief description, summary of the infrastructure components, and a map showing the outfall locations. When considering these options, we would like your feedback on the location of discharge, and the level of wastewater treatment.

Short-list option 2a

Short-list option 2b

Short-list option 3

Short-list option 3a

Short-list option 4

Best practicable options

Following on from this community information session and feedback from mana whenua, the project team will confirm a best practicable option (BPO). A resource consent application for the BPO will be prepared for Auckland Council to consider. We will be asking Auckland Council to publicly notify the resource consent application to enable the community to make formal submissions to the regulator.

Resource consent documents (PDF)
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